Sergey Sulimov


Sergey Sulimov


Do not use a preposition! 5 cases

школа английского языка

Prepositions undoubtedly play an important role in the sentence’s construction in English. The English word for preposition is a preposition, but there are some words after which you do not need to use prepositions in English, even though the connection between words will be clearly marked with prepositions or case endings when translated into Russian. In this article, we will tell you about the most common cases when you don’t need to use a preposition.

After the verb to go

After the verb to go, we usually use the preposition to + place.

I go to the store every day. — Я хожу в магазин каждый день.

Exception: the preposition is not used before the words home and downtown.

Are you going home now? — Ты идешь домой сейчас?

We went downtown last month. — Мы ездили в центр в прошлом месяце.

With timed pointers

Common combinations used in English are on + the weekday and in + month.

On Monday, I will go to my grandmother. — В понедельник я поеду к бабушке.

But no prepositions should be used before the words this, that, last, next, one!

I will never forget meeting her that afternoon. — Я никогда не забуду встречу с ней в тот день.

I can meet you next Friday. — Я смогу встретиться с тобой в следующую пятницу.

I really enjoyed my vacation in the village last year. — Мне очень понравилось отдыхать в деревне в прошлом году.

After the verbs to lack, to approach, to enter and a others number

The preposition into is usually used to indicate movement from outside to inside. The exception is the verb to enter; no preposition should be used after it.

We were not allowed to enter the house. — Нас не пустили в дом (нам не разрешили войти в дом).

The prepositions to, at are useful in indicating approaching objects, but the verb to approach does not require a preposition.

The train was approaching the station very slowly. — Поезд очень медленно приближался к станции.

The verb to lack also does not require a preposition after itself, unlike the noun lack, which is combined with a preposition of. Compare:

I sometimes lack confidence (to lack — verb). — Мне иногда не хватает уверенности.

I’m trying to overcome my lack of confidence (lack — noun). — Я стараюсь преодолеть свою неуверенность.

Also, no prepositions should be used after verbs such as to resemble, to marry, to answer, to influence.

He resembles his father. — Он похож на своего отца.

I married my boyfriend and we’re very happy now. — Я вышла замуж за своего парня, и теперь мы очень счастливы.

He answered all the questions very intelligently. — На все вопросы он ответил очень грамотно.

Your daily actions influence the nature. — Ваши ежедневные действия влияют на природу.

After the verb to attend in a certain sense

The preposition to is not used after the verb to attend when it is used in the sense of to be present, to come.

All students attended the lecture. — Все студенты присутствовали на лекции (пришли на лекцию).

In that case attend can be replaced by go to without losing its meaning.

All students went to the lecture. — Все студенты пришли на лекцию.

When combined with the preposition to, the verb will translate as to pay attention or to help, to attend to.

Firefighters attended to those who could not get out of the burning house. — Пожарные занялись теми, кто не смог выбраться из горящего дома.

With words for physical characteristics

Expressions containing words such as height (рост), weight (вес), length (длина), size (размер), colour (цвет), age (возраст) etc., are usually joined to the subject by the verb to be without the preposition of.

Correct: What colour are her eyes? — Какого цвета ее глаза?

Incorrect: Of what color are her eyes?

She is just the right height to play volleyball. — Она как раз подходящего роста, чтобы заниматься волейболом.

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