Sergey Sulimov


Sergey Sulimov


English levels: how to determine your own

школа английского языка

The main question that every English language learner starts with is: What level of English do I speak? Once you’ve answered this, you’ll know exactly where to go next and achieve the results you’re aiming for.

The next question is how and where do I find out my English level? This question puts many at a loss. Many turn with this question to the Internet and “drown” in the sea of information. We have the answer, which will not only simplify the decision, but will also give a qualified answer. At the Englishpapa’s website, you can take the English test online without having to register. This service is free and available to all.

English levels classification

The Council of Europe has developed and adopted the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or CEFR. This scale is an international standard used to describe the level of proficiency in a foreign language.

The CEFR classifies language knowledge and skills into six levels:

  A – elementary proficiency (divided into levels: A1 – survival level and A2 – pre-threshold level);

  B – self-sufficient proficiency (divided into levels: B1 – threshold level and B2 – threshold advanced level);

  C – fluent proficiency (divided into levels: C1 – proficiency level and C2 – proficiency level).

About English levels briefly

A0 Beginner or Breakthrough (English from scratch)

Analyse yourself?

At the end of the level, you will have the following skills:

 ◾The use and understanding of basic phrases used in everyday life;

 ◾The ability to introduce oneself and others;

 ◾The ability to establish communication and ask simple questions;

 ◾Understanding the interlocutor when speaking slowly;

 ◾Understand short phrases on signs, postcards, road signs, etc.

А1 (Elementary или “Продолжение пути”)

Analyse yourself?

At the end of the level, you will have the following skills:

  •  Understanding of various phrases and statements on current life topics (work, family, shopping, travelling, etc.)
  • The ability to ask for directions to a destination and to understand the answer;
  • The ability to explain oneself in common everyday situations as well as to talk about oneself and one’s needs;
  • Understanding of videos and TV reports in English;
  • The ability to read and understand a simple written text (personal letter, order, etc.).
  • A vocabulary of just over 1500 words.

A2 (Pre-Intermediate)

Analyse yourself?

At the end of the level, you will have the following skills:

Can understand the main idea of simple non-adapted texts, even if you encounter unfamiliar words;

Can write a short story about yourself, your town, express your opinion, write a personal letter on a general topic, a greeting text, etc;

Catch the meaning of a film or TV show in the original language, understand audio books adapted to your level;

Communicate with a native speaker, if he/she uses in a conversation within known words, you can explain an unfamiliar word in other words;

Have a vocabulary of 1,500 to 2,500 words.

B1 (Intermediate или “Пороговый”)

Analyse yourself?

At the end of the level, you will have the following skills:

  • Good and correct understanding of the essence of a conversation on familiar topics;
  • The ability to make conversation and explain oneself in most situations (work, leisure, travel, etc.);
  • Ability to express her/his thoughts in English, to describe experiences, to share dreams and expectations, etc;
  • Ability to watch and understand (from a larger audience) an English language film, series or TV programme;
  • Understanding of instructions, advertising leaflets, letters and some documents in English;
  • The ability to read and write (essays, letters, instructions).
  • Active vocabulary vocabulary of about 3,250 words.

B2 (Upper Intermediate или “Превосходство”)

Analyse yourself?

At the end of the level, you will have the following skills:

The ability to sustain a conversation as well as understand the essence of a complex text;

Ability to communicate with native speakers as well as maintain conversations about their profession;

A good understanding of spoken language;

The ability to form competent sentences (not only simple ones but also complex ones), to state your point of view and to reason on different topics.

Fluent viewing of most English-language videos;

Strong reading and writing skills.

Active vocabulary vocabulary 3750.

C1 (Advanced или “Продвинутый”)

Analyse yourself?

At the end of the level, you will have the following skills:

Understanding of complex texts;

Excellent oral expression;

Variety of vocabulary;

Understand movies and books in the original language, idioms, accents and slang;

Well-developed literate writing.

An active vocabulary of 4,500 words.

When interviewing or filling in questionnaires for employment (studies), a simplified classification of levels is sometimes used:

  • Basic или базовый;
  • Intermediate или средний;
  • Advanced или продвинутый;
  • Fluent или свободный.

However, if you have a good record of passing an international language examination, always indicate your score.

Школа английского EnglishPapa в Минске

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