Sergey Sulimov


Sergey Sulimov


English prepositions all types in the table

школа английского языка

Prepositions play an important role in the English language, sometimes working wonders. When added to a verb, they completely change a word meaning. Used with nouns, they allow words to change without having to use many cases, as in Russian, for example. English prepositions, when used in a sentence, help move objects, send you in the right direction, and explain what happened.

It’s hard to overestimate their importance. So today, we offer you a list of all the main prepositions in English with their use examples.

Time prepositions

English prepositionTranslationWhat it means / How it is usedUse example
Time basic prepositions
AtВ, на, без перевода (падежное окончание)specific time on the clock; with the words weekend, night; long holidays; the present moment (at this moment, at present); mealsHe leaves the house at 7 o’clock. — Он выходит из дома в 7 часовAt night he always sleeps. — Ночью он всегда спитWe will go to grandma’s at Christmas. — Мы поедем к бабушке на Рождественские праздникиHe behaved strangely at dinner. — Он странно вел себя за ужином
InВ, через, на, без переводаTime of daymonths, seasonsyearsintervals (in,through)He likes to read in the evening. — Он любит читать вечером I will go on vacation in September. — Я поеду в отпуск в сентябреI graduated from university in 2007. — Я окончил университет в 2007 годуI learned to play the violin in a year. — Я научился играть на скрипке за год
OnВDays of the week and specific datesThe new school year starts on Tuesday. — Новый учебный год начинается во вторник
A long time prepositions
SinceС тех пор как, начиная сAction occurs (has occurred) since some point in the pastI have been playing the cello since I was 7. — Я играю на виолончели с 7 лет
For, overВ течение, на протяжении, заTime period when action is occurring for: during the interval before the present tense: during the interval in the futureI’ve been playing the cello for 7 years. — Я играю на виолончели уже 7 лет I’ve changed a lot for the last year. — Я сильно изменился за последний годI have a lot to do over the next month. — Мне нужно много сделать за следующий месяц
Till/untilДо / до тех пор, когда / покаEnd of time periodI will not start working until I receive all the data. — Я не начну работать пока не получу все данные
From + to/till/untilОт… доDenotes the beginning and the end of an actionThe library is open from Tuesday to Saturday. — Библиотека работает со вторника по субботу
DuringВо время, в течениеSpecified time periodHe walked a lot during the holidays. — Он много гулял во время каникул
While/asВ то время какSpecified time interval (there must be 2 concurrent actions in the sentence)He was cooking dinner while she was walking. — Он готовил обед, пока она гуляла
Other time prepositions
Past/afterПослеAfter some timeHe felt bad after a sleepless night. — Он плохо себя чувствовал после бессонной ночи
BeforeДо, передEarlier than some timeRead the rules before you start working. — Прочитайте правила до начала работы
ByДо, кNo later than / before some point in timeYou should be home by 8 pm. — Ты должен быть дома до 8 часов вечера

Directional prepositions

English prepositionTranslationWhat it means / How it is usedUse example
AcrossЧерезFrom one side to the otherIt was difficult to get across the road. — Перейти через дорогу было трудно
AlongВдоль, поForward in the direction of somethingGo along this street. — Идите вдоль этой улицы
Round/aroundВокругMove in a circleThey danced around the tree. — Они танцевали вокруг дерева
DownВнизFrom high to lowHe rolled down the mountain. — Он скатился вниз с горы
IntoВTo go inWe came into the store. — Мы зашли в магазин
Out ofИзGo out, move inwards outwardsWe went out of the library late at night. — Мы вышли из библиотеки поздно ночью
OverПоWalk towards somethingHe walked over the bridge and did not notice anyone. — Он шел по мосту и никого не замечал
ThroughСквозь, черезGo from one side to the otherHe didn’t want to walk through this forest. — Он не хотели идти через этот лес
ToКTowards somethingI went to the theater but did not recognize this place. — Я подошла к театру, но не узнала этого места
UpВверх, поMove from low to highTo get to the dining room, go up the stairs. — Чтобы попасть в столовую, поднимитесь по лестнице

Place prepositions

English prepositionTranslationWhat it means / How it is usedUse example
AtВBeing inside for a specific purposeAnna is at hospital (she is ill). — Анна сейчас в больнице (она болеет)
InВBeing inMom is in the hospital now (she came to visit Anna). — Мама сейчас в больнице (она пришла навестить Анну)
OnНаBe positioned on top of somethingThere is a pencil on the table. — Карандаш на столе
AboveНадAbove somethingThere is a lamp above the table. — Лампа над столом
UnderПодbeneath somethingThere is a ball under the table. — Мячик под столом
In front ofПередIn front, facing someone/thingThere is a sofa in front of the wardrobe. — Диван перед шкафом
BehindЗа, сзадиBehind, behindI don’t like it when someone is standing behind. — Я не люблю, когда кто-то стоит сзади
BetweenМеждуBetween two thingsThe motorcycle drove between two cars. — Мотоцикл проехал между двух машин
AmongСреди, междуBetween many things, surrounded by many thingsAmong the green peppers, I saw the red one. — Среди зеленых перцев я увидела один красный
InsideВнутриBeing inside for a specific purposeIn the morning, I did not find my car inside the garage. — Утром я не нашел машину в гараже
OutsideСнаружиBeing inIt’s very noisy outside. — Снаружи очень шумно
ByУ, около             Be positioned on top of somethingThere is a rug by the bed. — Ковер у кровати

Предлоги причины

EnglishprepositionTranslationWhat it means / How it is usedUse example
OfОт, из-заThe reason why something happenedHe died of extensive lung damage. — Он умер из-за обширного поражения легких
ForДля, из-за, заFor what purpose, for what reasonI bought this dress for vacation. — Я купила это платье для отпуска
Because (of)Потому что, из-заThe reason for what happenedHe didn’t want to come because of your behavior. — Он не захотел прийти из-за твоего поведения
Due toИз-заReason for what happened (often negative meaning or in formal speech)The match was canceled due to a hurricane. — Матч был отменен из-за урагана
Thanks toБлагодаря чему-либо, из-заReason for what happened (positive meaning)We managed to do everything on time thanks to your help. — Нам удалось сделать все вовремя благодаря твоей помощи
FromПо, изExplanation of what you are thinking or assertingFrom his expression on his face, I realized that it is better to remain silent. — По его выражению лица, я понял, что лучше сейчас промолчать
In accordance with, according toСогласно, в соответствии сThe action happens according to a rule (in formal speech)According to this clause of the contract, we have fulfilled all obligations. — Согласно этому пункту договора, мы выполнили все обязательства

English prepositions are a vast subject and within this article, we can introduce you to the main prepositions and show you common examples and uses. To learn all the nuances and learn to use them correctly, it’s best to practise in a group or individually with a teacher. You can choose the EnglishPapa English language school format that suits you best.

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